Conf. Univ. Dr. Adriana Mihai
Mihai Adriana MD, PhD, Associate Professor at Psychiatric Department of University of Medicine, Pharmacy, Science and Technology George Emil Palade, Targu Mures, Romania, director of Institute of Psychotherapy and Personal Development (IPPD), psychiatrist and psychotherapist in family therapy, researcher and tutor of PhD students. She published 53 scientific papers in extenso with a total Impact Factor: 75,687 in domain of mental health system in Eastern Europe, addiction, psychiatric emergencies, violence in psychiatric services and medical education. Her activity was acknowledged by winning the Educational Award offered by Lundbeck Institute (2002) and 6 prizes awarded by WPA, EPA, Berlin Summer School, ARPP (Association of Romanian Psychiatrists and Psychotherapists), Geneva Initiative, and Romanian National Council of Scientific Research. Member in board of different international associations: she was the vice-chair of Section on Education in Psychiatry of the WPA, chair of Section of Addictive Behaviours of the EPA (2009-2011), the president of EFPT (European Federation of Psychiatric Trainees 2001-2003); international member of APA.