
Prof. Dr. Silvana Galderisi

Silvana Galderisi, MD, PhD, is full professor of Psychiatry and has been Director of the Department of Mental and Physical Health and Preventive Medicine of the University of Campania Luigi Vanvitelli until November 1, 2024. In 2023, under her leadership, the Department has been nominated as "Department of Excellence" by the Italian Ministry of University and Research (MUR). She has also been the director of the Emergency Unit of the Department of Mental Health, coordinator of the Outpatient Unit for Anxiety and Psychotic Disorders and of the Rehabilitation Program for severe mental disorders of the same Department until November 2024.


Currently, she is Chairperson and founding member of the European Group for Research in Schizophrenia (EGRIS) and Chairperson of the Standing Committee on Ethics of the World Psychiatric Association (WPA). She is also Past President of the European Psychiatric Association, and immediate Past President of the Italian Society for Psychopathology.


She is board member of the European Scientific Association on Schizophrenia and other Psychoses and of the Italian Society of Biological Psychiatry. She is Honorary Member of the European Psychiatric Association-EPA, Honorary Fellow of the World Psychiatric Association-WPA, Honorary Member of the Polish Psychiatric Association and of the Hungarian Psychiatric Association, International Distinguished Fellow of the American Psychiatric Association, International Advisor of the Japanese Society of Psychiatry and Neurology, and Honorary Fellow of the European Society of Social Psychiatry.


Her research activity focuses on Schizophrenia pathophysiology, treatment and outcomes, with particular reference to the domains of negative symptoms and cognition and their impact on psychosocial outcomes.

She is an author/coauthor of more than 400 publications, in national and international journals and books, and in 2024 has been included by Clarivate in the worldwide classification of “Highly Cited Researchers 2024”. She is Editor in Chief of Schizophrenia Bulletin Open, and handling editor of the British Journal of Psychiatry Open, and is a member of the Editorial Boards of several international psychiatric journals.


Prof. Galderisi has been awarded: the “2018 GAMIAN-Europe Personality Award” to a European personality who has contributed to the field of mental health and to the promotion of patient's wellbeing and their rights; and the “2023 EPA Constance Pascal – Helen Boyle Prize for Outstanding Achievement by a Woman in Working to Improve Mental Health Care in Europe”.