Prof. Univ. Dr. Gabriela Marian
Prof. Emeritus. Dr. Gabriela Marian, Professor in the Departament of Psychiatry, Faculty of Medicine – “Titu Maiorescu University”, Bucharest, Romania, doctor of medicine, associated Professor of AODSR (Academia Oamenilor de Stiinta din Romania), with expertise in health services management.
Dr. Marian attended numerous congresses, conferences and symposiums both in the country and abroad, with the aim of improving the psychiatric specialty. The professor made contributions to various areas such as forensics, psychopharmacology, psychotherapy, addiction medicine and other topical issues of psychiatry. Her professional value and prestige are certified by over one hundred scientific papers and her participation in the scientific and organizational committees of numerous scientific events. She has conducted over 40 clinical studies in the psychiatric field as a PI while also taking part in international and national research grants.
In recognition of her national and international contribution and image she was selected or elected as member of the following professional associations: The European Psychiatric Association, The Romanian Psychiatric Association, Balint Association of Romania, Romanian Society of Biological Psychiatry and Psychopharmacology.