Prof. Univ. Dr. Ioana Micluția
Ioana Micluția -MD, PhD, professor of Psychiatry at the University of Medicine&Pharmacy „Iuliu Hațieganu” discipline of Psychiatry and Pediatric Psychiatry, chair, department of Neurosciences, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Consultant psychiatrist at the Second psychiatric Clinic, head of clinic-emergency County Hospital Cluj-Romania
Psychodramatist, sexologist
Initiated the master of Sexology at the University of Medicine Cluj
Special domains of interests:first episode of schizophrenia (FEP), cognitive dysfunctions in schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, adherence programs, sexual disorders in schizophrenia and bipolar disorder, gender identity disorder, programs for sexual education
President of the Association of Psychiatry and Pediatric Psychiatry and affiliated to several national and international boards and associations
Authored 6 books, 3 courses, 12 national and international chapters
Member in the Eufest grant, director of 3 national research grants and member of 3 national grants
Over 44 ISI indexed journals in extenso published papers and over 80 papers in peer reviewed journals. Participated at national and international congresses as invited speaker, lecturer in plenary sessions, organiser of conferences, workshops. Reviewer of several peer reviewed journals