Ainat Rogel
Ainat Rogel, PhD, MSW, BCN, LICSW
Ainat is the founder and director of Boston Neurodynamics. She conducts neurofeedback (NFB), biofeedback (BFB), performs and analyzes brain mapping (qEEG), and supervises other practitioners. She teaches NFB related courses, gives international presentations, and conducts evidence-based research. Ainat specializes in working with clients with developmental trauma, dissociation and PTSD. Her unique holistic approach incorporates NFB with BFB, psychotherapy and body therapy. Ainat was the president and a BOD member of ISNR.
Ainat has a PhD in Computer Science and Neurobiology and a master in Social Work. She is a licensed Independence Clinical Social Worker, and a BCIA certified NFB provider and supervisor. She was a brain research scientist at various institutions including Massachusetts Institute of Technology, the Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging at MGH-Harvard, Hebrew University and Ben-Gurion University. She worked as a NFB researcher and clinician at the Trauma Center at JRI.