Prof. Univ. Dr. Sorin Ursoniu
Sorin Ursoniu, MD, Ph.D., is a professor of Public Health, Department of Functional Sciences, at the Victor Babes University of Medicine and Pharmacy Timisoara, Romania. He has a PhD degree in public health (1992) and a PhD degree in dermatology (1996).
He is coordinating residents in Public Health and Health Management, appointed by the University's Senate in 1996.
He made an important contribution to developing a master curriculum in Social and Health Services Management. This was the first master's program of the Victor Babes University of Medicine and Pharmacy Timisoara (accredited by the Ministry of Education in 2008).
He is a member of the International Epidemiological Association, European Public Health Association (Section Child and Adolescent Health), World Suicidology Net, Global Health Network Pittsburgh & Supercourse, Romanian Association of Public Health and Health Management, Romanian Society of Dermatology, National Alliance for Rare Disease (founding member).
Dr. Ursoniu has published more than 200 original articles and reviews in the field of public health, nutrition, cancer, cardiovascular diseases, kidney diseases, diabetes, lipid disorders, dermatology, and history of medicine. According to Google Scholar Hirsch's Index = 33 (210 papers; 3964 citations). According to Scopus his Hirsch's Index = 27 (109 papers; 2791 citations). According to the Web of Science his Hirsch's Index = 25 (154 publications; 2558 citations).
He is the author or co-author of more than 40 books and book chapters in the fields of public health, health management, prevention, screening, risk behaviors, cancer, dermatology, research methodology, and history of medicine.
He contributed to the Supercourse with the Primordial Prevention lecture and by creating the Romanian version of The Golden Lecture of Prevention. The Supercourse is a global system to share knowledge in the form of PowerPoint lectures (www.pitt.edu/~super1). The program includes authors, 20 Nobel prize winners, the head of the NIH, the former head of the CDC, and many others.