Prof. Univ. Dr. Florentina Ligia Furtunescu
Prof. Univ. Dr. Florentina Ligia Furtunescu
Florentina Ligia Furtunescu, M.D., PhD, Habil,
- Professor of public health at the Chair of Public Health and Management - Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy (Teaching activity since 2003 - present: assistant professor; lecturer (2005-2013), associate professor (2013-2021), full professor since 2021). Vice-rector for institutional strategy, academic evaluation and quality since March 2020 - present
- Consultant physician of public health at the National Institute of Public Health (since 2011-present)
- Health administration at the Ministry of Health (1999 – 2009, different positions, including Head of the Public Policies Unit (responsible for defining the public policies for health) and General Director of the Public Health Authority (responsible for coordination of the public health sector at national level and response to EU regulations and actions for public health). At present, honorary adviser of the Secretary of State.
- Academic responsibilities: Coordinating the residency program in public health, teaching activity for undergraduate and postgraduate medical students, supervising PhD students in medicine, research activity.
- Medical responsibilities: health status and health resources analysis at national level, health needs assessments, defining, implementing and monitoring strategies, public policies and programs in the health field, with focus on vulnerable groups, implementing international and national projects of public health.
- Vice-President of the Romanian Public Health and Health Management Association
- Team-member or coordinator in more than 50 projects of public health funded by different international organizations like WHO, World Bank, Global Fund, Swiss-Romanian Cooperation Program, European Comission.