Miercuri, 7 iunie 2023, 15:00-16:00
Prof. Univ. Dr. Norman Sartorius
Co-morbidity of mental disorders and physical illness: the chief challenge for medicine and psychiatry today

The co-morbidity of mental and physical illness is far more frequent than psychiatrists and other medical specialists realize. Nearly one third of long-lasting and/or severe physical illnesses – such as diabetes, cancer and cardiovascular illness will be co-morbid with depression. People with schizophrenia will suffer from all types of physical illness – with the exception of tumors and rheumatoid arthritis – much more frequently than the rest of the population. In addition to the problems arising because of the simultaneous presence of well-defined mental illness in people with physical illness major difficulties also arise because of the presence of sub-threshold mental illnesses and isolated psychiatric symptoms in physically ill people.

Unfortunately, this change of morbidity in the population is not reflected in the organization of health services nor in the orientation of medicine. The subdivision of medicine into super-specialties growing in numbers – in part due to vast numbers of new discoveries about health and illness – is noticeable in rich and in poor countries. It goes hand in hand with an increasing reliance on apparatus which can contribute to the dehumanization of medicine and increases the cost of health services. Fragmentation of medicine also makes the recognition of co-morbidity and appropriate treatment of all co-morbid diseases less probable.

The reasons for this will be discussed in the presentation as well as some of the interventions that could be introduced to prevent or diminish co-morbidity and its severe negative consequences.


Miercuri, 7 iunie 2023, 16:30-17:30
Prof. Univ. Dr. Sir Graham Thornicroft
Experience and evidence for community mental health teams

This talk will focus on: (1) the rationale and key definition for community based mental health care; (2) the evidence for community services; and (3) challenges and solution in implementing community based services. Key resources will be identified.


Joi, 8 iunie 2023, 12:15-13:00
Prof. Univ. Dr. Wiesław Jerzy Cubała
Treatment resistant mood disorders


Joi, 8 iunie 2023, 14:00-14:45
Prof. Emeritus Dr. Siegfried Kasper
Precision therapy for depression

Despite consistent advances in the pharmacotherapy of mood disorders in the last decade, high rates of Treatment Resistant Depression (TRD) are still a challenging aspect of overall management. Comparable to other parts of medicine,  a staging model that distinguishes between “non-responders” (patients who failed to respond to one form of treatment, a condition which is now termed “insufficient response” by the (EMA) European Medicines Agency), “treatment resistant depression” (TRD patients that failed to respond to two or more adequate antidepressant trials of different classes of antidepressants), as well as “chronic resistant depression” (CRD, patients being treated with several antidepressants for more than12 months) have been characterised. The group for the study of resistant depression (GSRD), a collaborative project between eight European centres in Belgium, France, Greece, Germany, Italy, Israel and Austria studied TRD patients thoroughly and described that a set of eleven variables associated with treatment resistance, among them co-morbid anxiety disorders, number of previous treated or untreated episodes. The group set out not only on clinical variables but also conducted a prospective study that indicated, that switching the mechanism of action is less beneficial than continuing the same medication. The GSRD European multicentre project includes now more than 3100 patients that are including clinical, pharmacological as well as a biological variables. One potential way of improving treatment of depression is through the use of predictive biomarkers, most likely including genetic parameters (e.g. gene pathways associated with neuroplasticity, intracellular signaling and chromatin silencing) in combination with clinical variables. The advent of new treatments may also help by focusing on neurotransmitters other than serotonin, e.g. the glutamatergic system with ketamine demonstrating efficacy data in TRD as well as in depressed patients with suicidality as a situation of psychiatric emergency. Furthermore, pharmacological strategies such as the use of a combination therapy with lithium, atypical antipsychotics and the development of other pharmacological agents affecting the GABAergic mechanism of action -like brexanolone- can improve outcomes, and techniques such as deep brain stimulation and vagus nerve stimulation have shown promising results.


Vineri, 9 iunie 2023, 14:00-15:00
Prof. Univ. Dr. Femi Oyebode
Psychopathology – the foundational discipline of psychiatry

In this Keynote address I will discuss the role and place of clinical psychopathology in clinical practice emphasising what is different about psychiatry as a clinical specialty and focusing on the underlying principles of descriptive psychopathology. I will argue that psychopathology is a living, dynamic and continually developing subject and without it there can be advance in nosology nor in the deeper understanding of psychiatric disorders.

I will exemplify my points by discussing delusional misidentification syndromes, pathological jealousy and folie a deux. I hope to show that the underlying mechanisms of these conditions are better methods for understanding the nature of delusions.
